New Lectures Added!

Four new lectures have recently been added to the Literature and Theatre category of the Another Perspective on Learning Lecture Program. The first of these was developed as a response to Milan Kundera’s book “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” and provides a contextual introduction to the historical phenomenon known as the Prague Spring.
The achievement of the controversial Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen is addressed in another presentation. His well known play “A Doll’s House” being granted special attention.
A further lecture considers the Great War through the multi faceted lenses of literature and the written word – from propaganda to poetry and published prose.
The other new addition to the catalogue is a lecture focusing on the influential playwright, theorist and director, Bertolt Brecht. Brecht’s life and achievement are viewed within the volatile political context of the Twentieth Century.

Further information available at the Another Perspective on Learning section of this website

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